Installation Manual for Bluesun Solar PV Modules01/ 2024.Nov
Safety & Transport General Rules
Bluesun offers a range of high-quality solar modules, including PERC modules, N-Type TOPCon modules, N-Type HJT modules, and all-black modules, all manufactured under strict quality control standards. Click here to explore Bluesunmodules.
>Keep all the Modules and electrical connectors clean and dry before installation. >Use both hands to carry Modules. Do not overlap Modules. >Be cautious when carrying Modules. Slip-proof gloves are necessary. >Use supportive disassembling tools when unpacking. > The application level of BLUESUNmodule is Class A, which can be used in systems operating at greater than 50 V DC or 240W
Modules handling and installation instructions
Location Selection
>Install Modules at the places with sufficient sunlight and without shade at any time. If a module is shaded or even partially shaded, itwill result in lower power output. A permanent or regular shade will cause module damage, which will result in the invalidity ofproduct’s limited warranty. >Do not store, install or use Modules at the places where combustible gas is easily generated or gathering >Modules can be installed on land 50 to 500m away ffom the coastline. However, the connectors must be well protected or a dustproof plug must be added when installing Modules within this distance, Connect the dust-proof plug immediately after removing itand take other anti-rust measures to prevent the parts from rusting. >Modules in the same string should be installed at the same angle. Modules installed in different angles will receive differentirradiation, which will cause current different. As a result, it will decrease the operation efficiency of the system.
For the Installation Manual for Bluesun Solar PV Modules, click here to view and download the complete instructions.